Libro Russian phrasebook & dictionary

Consulta la recensione del libro Russian phrasebook & dictionary pubblicato da Lonely Planet con l’editore Lonely Planet nel Novembre 2015.

Russian phrasebook & dictionary

Russian phrasebook & dictionary



    Recensione Libro

    • EAN ISBN: 9781742201894
    • Pubblicazione: Novembre 2015
    • Editore: Lonely Planet
    • Pagine: 272
    • Autore: Lonely Planet


    Lonely Planet: The world’s leading travel guide publisher Admirers of Russian literature claim that the ‘Slavic soul’ of writers such as Chekhov or Tolstoy can’t be fully appreciated in translation. For the less ambitious, the language will bring you closer to deciphering the ‘riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’ that is Russia. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Lonely Planet Phrasebooks have b…

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